Thinking of Thank Yous…

I am still working on being a beautiful homemaker.  The kind of homemaker that does more than keep a home clean.  One that supports her mate, and teaches her children to be supporting, and kind adults.  To that end, I set Son to business.

Last week, he had his 4th birthday, and he received a truckload of presents.  Of course, we gave out party bags, and the kids took home armloads of junkfood from the homemade pinata, but I wanted Son to say thank you to his friends.  I wanted him to send thank you notes.  The only problem was that I don’t have any kid-friendly thank you cards.  Not one to let that stop me, I decided to make my own.

First, I took three sheets of card stock, and cut it into quarters.  Then I folded each quarter in half, and handed it to Son.  It was his job to use the side of a pencil to set the crease on the folded card.

This step is crucial if you want your homemade cards to look better than a grade school card, and it’s a simple step to execute.

Once Son finished, he tossed the card back to me, and I wrote “Thank You” on the front with a marker.

Then, I handed it back to Son, and had him write each child’s name on the inside top of the card.

Of course, I did have to write down how to spell each student’s name; he is only 4.  And once he was finished, I wrote the actual thank you note.

Making the cards ourselves saved me money, but more importantly, involving Son in the task gave him a sense of ownership and pride.  I’m also hoping that having him write the names, even if it was just the names, began than often long process of teaching him the importance of thank you cards.  I guess only time will tell on that front.


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Filed under DIY, Home Making, Musings, Save my Wallet, Save the Earth

One response to “Thinking of Thank Yous…

  1. Aww, this is so sweet! To actually involve him and making him learn how to write too in the process is not only good, but also beneficial for him. I bet his friends will be pleased with the thank you note.

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