Out in the Cold…

As you all know, I am working hard to become the best home maker that I can be.  While that can be anything from decor to food, this post is all about the dirty work, the cleaning.

I picked up a dry-erase calendar last week, and hung it on the fridge.  I’m attempting to use it to keep myself focused, and one of the things I’ve asked Husband to do is write down things in the ‘Notes’ section that he’d like me to do.  It may seem strange to encourage my husband to boss me around, but I need a bit of direction.  I am a classic child of a dual-income household, and my mother, as much as she loves me, well, let’s just say that cleaning isn’t her strong suit.  She does try, though.  But all that means that don’t always know where to clean, or what to do.  My school didn’t require girls to take home ec, and so I took wood shop.  Asking Husband to write down things that he thinks I could do, is helping me to become aware.  The first thing he wrote?

Clean the fridge.

So I did.

While our fridge wasn’t really gross, it was full, and poorly arranged.  It could also use a bit of a wipe down.

But there wasn’t any rotten food, except for a jar of home-made hollandaise from who knows when that was buried at the back of the fridge.  You see, I don’t keep food in the fridge for long.  If we have left-overs from dinner, I either re-invent them into something else, as evidenced here, or Son and I eat them for lunch.  So that means that I didn’t have much to toss out — just 3 jars.  It also means that there were no face-scrunching, neck-turning, smells to deal with.

After getting it all wiped down, and reorganized, my fridge looked like this…

I tried to keep all left-overs at eye level, and in front so that they don’t get missed.  I also discovered I had two bottles of BBQ sauce opened.  Whoops.  And the contents of two of those left-overs containers will be used in dinner; I’m making brisket tacos!

Amazing what shuffling can do, and since it was so quick and easy, I’ll be adding it to my monthly cleaning schedule.  I think I’ll add it to Bedding day.  Now I just can’t believe I bared the contents of my fridge on the international internet.

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Filed under Cooking, Home Making, Organization

One response to “Out in the Cold…

  1. caedwin

    because we DO have a lot of leftovers that I am trying to incorporate into other meals, I’m thinking cleaning the fridge for us should be a bi-weekly thing on Monday mornings (right after breakfast), so the disposed items can go into the garbage and Mondays are trash day in my area.

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